The Grand National apart, the Aintree race that has really caught the public's imagination this year is The John Smith's People's Race, a flat race which will be contested by ten amateur riders chosen from the general public just a couple of short months ago.
The race itself will be run on the day of the Grand National, with the winner donating prize money to the charity of their choice.
Follow the ups and downs of these rookie riders at http://www.johnsmiths.co.uk/promos/peoplesrace/index.htm
Daily Mirror reporter Ann Gripper has been following events closely on her blog at http://blogs.mirror.co.uk/thepeoplesrace/anngripper
Those cunning bookie chappies at Ladbrokes are offering prices on the riders but as we don't know which horses they'll be riding or the weight the horses will be carrying, at this stage a watching brief is advised.
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